"Independent, confident, responsible learners"

Forest School is seen as an important part of the curriculum at Dulwich Montessori School, complementing the Montessori and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum.We are very lucky to have two of our own Level 3 Forest School Leadres at Dulwich Oaks Montessori!

Woodland outdoor learning fits in with the whole school vision of developing an organic curriculum that is centred around the individual child, enabling all children to reach their full potential socially, emotionally and academically during their time here.

Through weekly visits to Dulwich Woods and Forest school sessions in our own on site Forest School area will instil a love of the great outdoors. Inspirational, stimulating, hands on experiences will develop self-esteem, confidence and responsibility.


With the use of the woodland setting, the various real tools and the natural resources we bring learning to life, creating an understanding of the balance of nature and the finite resources around us.

Identifying individual learning schema’s to enable the children to learn most effectively and promote success.

Planning for every child in the early session stages, and then letting the children lead the sessions through their own interests.


We plan for every child in the early session stages, and then we let the children lead the sessions through their own interests; taking informed, self-calculated risks and choices to ensure their groups safety, developing sympathy and empathy to the group around them, learning to work as a team to solve problems, fostering communication and negotiation skills.